2008年6月19日 星期四


TNS global做了一項調查:2015年你將如何購物?零售業創新科技購物革命




1. Interactive Dressing Room Mirror
It looks like any other mirror, but is actually a high-resolution digital screen with a camera that can relay live video and project holographic images of clothing items so customers can see how they will look in an outfit without trying it on.

2. Interactive Dressing Room Helper
Using a digital touch-screen, a shopper in the dressing room can communicate with sales personnel – without having to return to the sales floor to search for help.

3. Smart Carts
A smart cart incorporates interactive technology via a video screen on the front of the cart, enabling customers to locate products, access shopping lists, check prices, receive promotions and coupons, and scan purchases. The technology also can provide retailers and suppliers with rich data on the shopping trip.

4. Biometric Payment Fingerprint
A shopper can pay for purchases by placing his/her finger on a sensor that reads its fingerprint, linking it to the shopper’s bank account or credit card to record the purchase.

5. Shopping Social Network Site
Shoppers share information about the hottest stores, designers, trends and must-have products – all online. Retailers and suppliers will be able to monitor social networking sites to find out what consumers want and take early action to develop and stock those products.

6. Group Buying by Consumers
Shoppers join online collaborative shopping communities to aggregate their buying power with other consumers.

7. 3D Body Scanning
A 3D scan of a shopper’s body will be used to make recommendations about the brands and specific clothes most likely to fit well, or to help fit custom-made clothes.

8. Sales and Product Information via Mobile Phone (Based on Location)
Shoppers will opt-in to networks that send them text messages about sales, products and retailers that are relevant to the shopper based on current location.

9. Holographic Sales Assistant
Shoppers will interact with an in-store hologram that can answer questions and facilitate merchandise transactions.

10. Participate in Collaborative Product Development
Product developers will encourage consumers to post ideas and answer surveys online about new products and how existing products can be improved.

11. Shopping by Mobile Device
Consumers will use mobile devices to place orders and arrange delivery from remote locations.

12. Self-activated Shopping Agents
Networked devices in the home – such as networked fridges – will monitor what products consumers use, create shopping lists, and communicate with other devices to arrange deliveries.
